
Finding the right chair is never easy. Invisible Collection will help finding the seating solutions that will definitely compliment all interior decoration projects. Created by contemporary star designers, including AD100 honorees, all our chairs are handmade by the best craftsmen in Europe who can accommodate any bespoke request. Our artisans and upholsterers are the keepers of the traditional high crafts inherited from the French Arts Décoratifs movement and they master all the techniques for making exceptional chairs. We present a curated selection of unique chairs that are comfortable and aesthetically pleasing, imbued with iconic status.

These designs have been on the collectors’ radar for sometime now, as the design market and auction houses alike show keen interest in collectible. For instance, the Clam chair – also known as the Arctander chairs- made a sensation and reached six-digit figures at recent auctions. The same can be said for some covetable seating designed by the much celebrated Ron Arad, who created a one-off series called AKO available through Invisible Collection. As we cater to high profile clients and to well known interior decorators, we sell a wide variety of contemporary designs including head-chairs and accent chairs, which are an important element of elegant interiors. Sometimes different styles can be paired in order to add an edgy contrast to the overall atmosphere; visual texture too is very important, as each material will inspire a specific shape.

The chairs come in different materials including certified woods, and reclaimed metal. Our bestsellers include several iconic chairs, namely the Mademoiselle Oops by Pierre Yovanovitch, the Polus by Pierre Augustin Rose, the Baba by Emmanuelle Simon, the Sumo by Gustavo Neves and the Sam by Damien Langlois Meurinne. Alongside our contemporary designs, we handpicked some remarkable reissues that are relevant to the history of twentieth century design with specific focus on midcentury modern – the Brazilian masters in the likes of Jorge Zalszupin and José Zanine Caldas.

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        Pierre Frey
        F3702002 Hendaye
        Select Material
        • Flint Terracotta
        • Linterno Fabric : St Moritz/Nobili